Ceres-Solver: Does the Initial Reference 3D Point Matter? Experiencing Significantly High Reprojection Error?
Image by Courtnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Ceres-Solver: Does the Initial Reference 3D Point Matter? Experiencing Significantly High Reprojection Error?

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If you’re working with the Ceres-Solver optimization library and struggling with high reprojection errors, you’re not alone. One common culprit behind this issue is the initial reference 3D point. But does it really matter? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Ceres-Solver, explore the significance of the initial reference 3D point, and provide you with practical solutions to minimize reprojection errors.

What is Ceres-Solver?

Ceres-Solver is an open-source C++ library for modeling and solving large-scale nonlinear least squares problems. It’s widely used in various fields, including computer vision, robotics, and photogrammetry. Ceres-Solver is particularly useful for tasks like 3D reconstruction, camera calibration, and bundle adjustment.

The Importance of Initial Reference 3D Points

In Ceres-Solver, the initial reference 3D point is the starting point for the optimization process. It serves as a reference frame for the entire optimization process. The choice of this initial point can significantly impact the convergence and accuracy of the results.

Imagine you’re trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube. You start with a random configuration, but if you’re close to the correct solution, it’s easier to solve. Similarly, in Ceres-Solver, a good initial reference 3D point can facilitate the optimization process, leading to faster convergence and better results.

Symptoms of a Poor Initial Reference 3D Point

So, how do you know if your initial reference 3D point is causing issues? Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

  • High reprojection errors: If your reprojection errors are excessively high, it may indicate that the initial reference 3D point is far from the optimal solution.
  • Slow convergence: If the optimization process is taking too long to converge, it could be due to a poor initial reference 3D point.
  • Localized minima: A bad initial reference 3D point can lead to the optimizer getting stuck in local minima, resulting in suboptimal solutions.

Factors Affecting the Initial Reference 3D Point

Several factors can influence the choice of the initial reference 3D point. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Problem formulation: The way you formulate the problem can impact the initial reference 3D point. For example, if you’re using a simplified camera model, your initial reference 3D point might be less accurate.
  2. Data quality: Noisy or incomplete data can lead to a poor initial reference 3D point. Make sure to preprocess your data and remove any outliers or errors.
  3. Initial guess: The initial guess for the 3D point can be based on various sources, such as user input, previous optimizations, or rough estimates.

Tips for Choosing a Good Initial Reference 3D Point

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of the initial reference 3D point, let’s explore some practical tips for choosing a good one:

  1. Use domain knowledge: If you have prior knowledge about the scene or the 3D points, use it to inform your initial reference 3D point.
  2. Perform a rough estimate: Use a simplified camera model or a rough estimate of the 3D point to get a starting point for the optimization.
  3. Use multiple initial points: Try using multiple initial reference 3D points and select the one that yields the best results.
  4. Visualize the data: Visualize the 2D and 3D data to get a better understanding of the scene and the 3D points. This can help you choose a more informed initial reference 3D point.

Practical Example: Choosing an Initial Reference 3D Point for Camera Calibration

Let’s consider a practical example of camera calibration using Ceres-Solver. We’ll use a simple camera model with intrinsic parameters (focal length, principal point, and distortion coefficients) and extrinsic parameters (rotation and translation).

// Define the camera model
struct Camera {
  double fx; // focal length
  double fy; // focal length
  double cx; // principal point
  double cy; // principal point
  double k1; // radial distortion coefficient
  double k2; // radial distortion coefficient
  double k3; // radial distortion coefficient
  double t1; // tangential distortion coefficient
  double t2; // tangential distortion coefficient
  double r1; // rotation vector
  double r2; // rotation vector
  double r3; // rotation vector
  double tx; // translation vector
  double ty; // translation vector
  double tz; // translation vector

// Define the initial reference 3D point
Camera camera;
camera.fx = 1000.0;
camera.fy = 1000.0;
camera.cx = 320.0;
camera.cy = 240.0;
camera.k1 = 0.0;
camera.k2 = 0.0;
camera.k3 = 0.0;
camera.t1 = 0.0;
camera.t2 = 0.0;
camera.r1 = 0.0;
camera.r2 = 0.0;
camera.r3 = 0.0;
camera.tx = 0.0;
camera.ty = 0.0;
camera.tz = 0.0;

// Define the 2D points and their corresponding 3D points
std::vector<cv::Point2d> points_2d;
std::vector<cv::Point3d> points_3d;

// Add points to the vectors...

// Create the Ceres-Solver problem
ceres::Problem problem;

// Add residuals to the problem...

In this example, we’ve defined a simple camera model and an initial reference 3D point. We’ve also defined the 2D and 3D points and added them to the Ceres-Solver problem.

Optimization Techniques to Minimize Reprojection Errors

Even with a good initial reference 3D point, high reprojection errors can still occur. Here are some optimization techniques to help minimize reprojection errors:

  1. Regularization: Add regularization terms to the cost function to penalize large deviations from the initial reference 3D point.
  2. Parameter bounds: Set bounds on the optimization parameters to prevent the optimizer from straying too far from the initial reference 3D point.
  3. Iterative refinement: Perform iterative refinement of the optimization process, using the previous solution as the initial reference 3D point for the next iteration.
  4. Bundle adjustment: Use bundle adjustment to jointly optimize the camera parameters and the 3D points, which can help reduce reprojection errors.


In conclusion, the initial reference 3D point plays a crucial role in the Ceres-Solver optimization process. By understanding the factors that affect the initial reference 3D point and using practical tips to choose a good one, you can significantly improve the accuracy and convergence of your optimization results. Additionally, by employing optimization techniques like regularization, parameter bounds, iterative refinement, and bundle adjustment, you can minimize reprojection errors and achieve better results.

Factor Influence on Initial Reference 3D Point
Problem formulation Significant
Data quality High
Initial guess Moderate

By following these guidelines and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to achieving accurate and robust results with Ceres-Solver.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about Ceres-Solver and initial reference 3D points!

Q: Does the initial reference 3D point really matter in Ceres-Solver?

A: Yes, it does! The initial reference 3D point acts as a starting point for the optimization process, and a good choice can significantly influence the convergence and accuracy of the solution. A poor choice, on the other hand, can lead to higher reprojection errors or even failure to converge.

Q: What happens if I choose a random 3D point as the initial reference?

A: Oh dear, that’s not a great idea! A random 3D point is unlikely to be close to the true solution, which can lead to high reprojection errors and slow convergence. In extreme cases, the optimization process might even get stuck in a local minimum, giving you totally incorrect results.

Q: Can I use an arbitrary 3D point from my dataset as the initial reference?

A: That’s a better idea! However, it’s still not ideal. Using an arbitrary 3D point from your dataset can introduce biases and influence the optimization process. A more robust approach is to use a point that’s close to the centroid of your 3D point cloud or a point with high confidence.

Q: How do I know if my initial reference 3D point is causing high reprojection errors?

A: Keep an eye on your reprojection error metrics! If you see a high reprojection error, it could be due to a poor initial reference point. Try visualizing your point cloud and the optimized solution to get a sense of how well the initial point aligns with the data.

Q: Are there any best practices for choosing an initial reference 3D point in Ceres-Solver?

A: Ah, yes! Choose a point that’s (1) close to the centroid of your 3D point cloud, (2) has a high confidence value, or (3) is a well-localized feature point. You can also try using multiple initial points and comparing the results to find the best solution.

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