HTML to PPTX Generation in Angular: The html2pptxgenjs Conundrum
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HTML to PPTX Generation in Angular: The html2pptxgenjs Conundrum

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Are you trying to generate PowerPoint presentations from HTML in your Angular application using html2pptxgenjs, only to find that it doesn’t seem to work with Angular’s browser-esbuild? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the root cause of the issue, explore potential workarounds, and provide a step-by-step guide to getting html2pptxgenjs up and running with Angular.

The Problem: html2pptxgenjs and Angular’s browser-esbuild

html2pptxgenjs is a popular JavaScript library for generating PowerPoint presentations from HTML content. It’s a powerful tool for creating dynamic presentations on the fly. However, when it comes to integrating html2pptxgenjs with Angular, things can get a bit tricky – especially when using Angular’s browser-esbuild.

The issue lies in the way browser-esbuild handles module imports and exports. By default, browser-esbuild uses a modular approach, which can cause conflicts with libraries like html2pptxgenjs that rely on global variables.

The Error: Uncaught ReferenceError: GLOBAL_VARIABLE is not defined

When trying to use html2pptxgenjs with Angular’s browser-esbuild, you might encounter an error similar to:

Uncaught ReferenceError: PptxGenJs is not defined
    at Object../node_modules/html2pptxgenjs/dist/html2pptxgenjs.min.js (html2pptxgenjs.min.js:12)
    at __webpack_require__ (webpackaketg:55)
    at Module../src/app/app.component.ts (app.component.ts:5)
    at __webpack_require__ (webpackaketg:55)
    at Module../src/main.ts (main.ts:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (webpackaketg:55)
    at Object.1 (main.js:134)
    at a (runtime.js:45)

This error occurs because the html2pptxgenjs library is not properly exporting its global variables, and Angular’s browser-esbuild is not able to inject them correctly.

Potential Workarounds

Before we dive into the solution, let’s explore some potential workarounds that might help you get html2pptxgenjs working with Angular:

  • Disable browser-esbuild

    One possible solution is to disable browser-esbuild altogether. This can be done by setting the “enabled” flag to false in your angular.json file:

      "projects": {
        "your-app": {
          "architect": {
            "build": {
              "options": {
                "browser-esbuild": {
                  "enabled": false

    Keep in mind that disabling browser-esbuild might impact the performance and tree-shaking capabilities of your Angular application.

  • Use a different PPTX generation library

    If you’re not tied to html2pptxgenjs, you might consider alternative libraries like Pptxerator or pptxgenjs-ng. These libraries might be more compatible with Angular’s browser-esbuild.

The Solution: Using a Custom Import and Export Strategy

After exploring potential workarounds, let’s focus on the most reliable solution: using a custom import and export strategy to make html2pptxgenjs work seamlessly with Angular’s browser-esbuild.

Step 1: Create a Custom Import Strategy

Create a new file called html2pptxgenjs.import.js in your Angular project’s root directory:

import * as PptxGenJs from 'html2pptxgenjs/dist/html2pptxgenjs.min.js';

window.PptxGenJs = PptxGenJs;

export { PptxGenJs };

This file imports the html2pptxgenjs library, assigns it to the global window object, and exports it as a named export.

Step 2: Update Your Angular Component

Now, let’s update your Angular component to use the custom import strategy:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { PptxGenJs } from './html2pptxgenjs.import';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: ''
export class AppComponent {
  constructor() { }

  generatePptx() {
    const pptx = new PptxGenJs();
    // Use pptx to generate your PowerPoint presentation

In this example, we import the PptxGenJs export from our custom import strategy and use it to create a new instance of the PptxGenJs class.

Troubleshooting and Performance Optimization

After implementing the custom import strategy, you might still encounter issues or performance bottlenecks. Here are some additional tips to help you troubleshoot and optimize:

  1. Verify Library Versions

    Make sure you’re using the latest versions of html2pptxgenjs and other libraries. Version conflicts can lead to unexpected behavior.

  2. Use Angular’s buildOptimizer

    Enable Angular’s buildOptimizer to reduce the size of your bundles and improve performance:

      "projects": {
        "your-app": {
          "architect": {
            "build": {
              "options": {
                "buildOptimizer": true
  3. Optimize PPTX Generation

    Optimize your PPTX generation process by reducing the amount of data being processed, using caching mechanisms, or splitting large presentations into smaller chunks.


Integrating html2pptxgenjs with Angular’s browser-esbuild can be challenging, but with the right approach, it’s definitely possible. By using a custom import and export strategy, you can make html2pptxgenjs work seamlessly with your Angular application. Remember to troubleshoot and optimize your implementation to ensure the best possible performance and user experience.

Happy coding, and may your PowerPoint presentations be generated smoothly and efficiently!

Library Version Compatibility
html2pptxgenjs 2.3.5 Angular 13+
Angular 13.3.0 browser-esbuild enabled

Remember to check the compatibility of html2pptxgenjs with your specific Angular version and browser-esbuild configuration.

I hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “html2pptxgenjs does not seem to work with angular browser-esbuild”

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your questions about html2pptxgenjs and its compatibility with angular browser-esbuild.

Why does html2pptxgenjs not work with angular browser-esbuild?

Html2pptxgenjs is a library that converts HTML to PPTX, but it’s not compatible with angular browser-esbuild out of the box. This is because browser-esbuild uses a different module system and html2pptxgenjs relies on the browser’s DOM to work, which is not available in the esbuild environment.

Is there a way to use html2pptxgenjs with angular browser-esbuild?

Yes, you can use html2pptxgenjs with angular browser-esbuild, but it requires some extra setup. You’ll need to use a library like jsdom to simulate the browser’s DOM environment, and then use a bundler like webpack to bundle your code and make it work with esbuild.

What are the alternatives to html2pptxgenjs that work with angular browser-esbuild?

If you’re having trouble using html2pptxgenjs with angular browser-esbuild, you can consider alternatives like pptxgenjs or slidesjs. These libraries are designed to work with angular and esbuild, and they provide similar functionality to html2pptxgenjs.

Can I use html2pptxgenjs on the server-side with angular universal?

Yes, you can use html2pptxgenjs on the server-side with angular universal. Since angular universal uses a node environment, you can use html2pptxgenjs without any issues. Just make sure to install the required dependencies and configure your server-side rendering setup correctly.

Are there any plans to make html2pptxgenjs compatible with angular browser-esbuild?

The html2pptxgenjs team is aware of the issue and is working on making the library compatible with angular browser-esbuild. However, there’s no official timeline for when this will be implemented. You can keep an eye on the library’s GitHub page for updates and contribute to the discussion if you’re interested.