Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic Configuration: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic Configuration: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the complexities of configuring your ActiveMQ Classic messaging system? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of setting up a Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic configuration. By the end of this guide, you’ll be a pro at configuring your messaging system for optimal performance and reliability.

What is Master/Slave Configuration?

In a Master/Slave configuration, one broker (the Master) is designated as the primary broker, and one or more brokers (the Slaves) are designated as secondary brokers. The Master broker is responsible for processing messages and storing them in memory, while the Slave brokers replicate the Master’s messages and provide failover capabilities in case the Master broker fails.

Non-persistent configuration means that messages are stored in memory (RAM) only, which provides faster performance but at the cost of potential message loss in case of a broker restart or failure.

Why Choose Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic Configuration?

  • High Performance: Non-persistent configuration provides faster message processing and lower latency, making it suitable for applications requiring high throughput.
  • Fault Tolerance: The Master/Slave configuration ensures that messages are replicated across multiple brokers, providing failover capabilities and ensuring message delivery even in case of a broker failure.
  • Easy Scalability: Adding more Slave brokers is straightforward, allowing you to scale your messaging system as needed.


Before we dive into the configuration process, make sure you have:

  • ActiveMQ Classic 5.15.3 or higher installed on your system.
  • A basic understanding of ActiveMQ Classic and its configuration files.
  • Familiarity with the command line or terminal.

Step 1: Configure the Master Broker

In this step, we’ll configure the Master broker to store messages in memory and enable replication.

  <broker xmlns="">
    < persistenceAdapter>

Create a new file named `activemq.xml` in the `conf` directory of your ActiveMQ Classic installation, and add the above configuration. This will configure the Master broker to use memory persistence and enable replication.

Step 2: Configure the Slave Brokers

In this step, we’ll configure the Slave brokers to replicate messages from the Master broker.

  <broker xmlns="">

Create a new file named `activemq-slave.xml` in the `conf` directory of each Slave broker, and add the above configuration. This will configure the Slave brokers to replicate messages from the Master broker.

Step 3: Start the Master Broker

Start the Master broker by running the following command:

activemq start

This will start the Master broker with the configuration we specified in Step 1.

Step 4: Start the Slave Brokers

Start each Slave broker by running the following command:

activemq start xbean:conf/activemq-slave.xml

Replace `activemq-slave.xml` with the actual filename and path of the Slave broker’s configuration file.

Verifying the Configuration

To verify that the Master/Slave configuration is working correctly, check the ActiveMQ Classic logs for messages indicating that the Slave brokers have connected to the Master broker and are replicating messages.

INFO | Replication: starting replication to slave-broker:61616
INFO | Replication: connected to slave-broker:61616

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the configuration process, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Connection Refused: Ensure that the Master broker is running and the Slave brokers can connect to it.
  • Replication Not Working: Check the configuration files for typos or incorrect settings.
  • Performance Issues: Monitor the broker’s memory usage and adjust the heap size as needed.


That’s it! You now have a fully functional Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic configuration up and running. With this setup, you can take advantage of the benefits of high performance, fault tolerance, and easy scalability. Remember to monitor your messaging system regularly and adjust the configuration as needed to ensure optimal performance.

Broker Configuration File Replication Role
Master activemq.xml Master
Slave 1 activemq-slave.xml Slave
Slave 2 activemq-slave.xml Slave

This table summarizes the configuration files and replication roles for each broker in our example setup.

Additional Resources

For more information on ActiveMQ Classic and its configurations, refer to the official documentation and additional resources listed above.

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic configuration” in HTML format with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to decode the mysteries of Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic configuration!

What is Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic configuration?

In this configuration, a master broker is paired with one or more slave brokers. The master broker is the primary messaging hub, while the slave brokers replicate the master’s data in real-time. This setup ensures high availability and fault tolerance, as if the master broker fails, a slave can take over seamlessly. The non-persistent aspect means that messages are not stored to disk, making the setup ideal for high-performance, low-latency applications.

How do I configure Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic?

To set up a Master/Slave non-persistent configuration, you’ll need to configure the master broker to broadcast its data to the slaves, and the slaves to connect to the master. This involves editing the `activemq.xml` file, specifying the master’s URL, and configuring the slave’s network connector. You can also use Apache ActiveMQ’s convenient web-based console to simplify the process.

What are the benefits of Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic?

This setup offers several advantages, including high availability, automatic failover, and load balancing. It also allows for easy scalability, as you can add more slaves as needed. Additionally, since messages are not stored to disk, this configuration provides extremely low latency and high throughput, making it perfect for applications that require real-time messaging.

How does the Master/Slave non-persistent configuration handle network failures?

In the event of a network failure, the slave brokers will automatically reconnect to the master once the connection is reestablished. If the master broker fails, a slave can be promoted to take over as the new master, ensuring that the messaging system remains operational. This setup provides exceptional resilience and fault tolerance, minimizing downtime and data loss.

Can I use Master/Slave non-persistent ActiveMQ Classic for large-scale applications?

Absolutely! This configuration is designed to handle large volumes of messages and scale horizontally. By adding more slaves, you can distribute the message load, ensuring that your messaging system can handle massive amounts of traffic. This setup is perfect for large-scale applications, such as those found in finance, gaming, or IoT industries, where high-performance and low-latency messaging are critical.

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