Determine if reCaptcha V3 or V2 is used in any website: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Courtnie -

Determine if reCaptcha V3 or V2 is used in any website: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Why is it important to determine the reCaptcha version?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s discuss why identifying the reCaptcha version is crucial. Here are a few reasons:

  • Security: Understanding which reCaptcha version is used can help you identify potential vulnerabilities in a website’s security.

  • Scraping: If you’re a web scraper, knowing the reCaptcha version can help you navigate around it or find alternative solutions.

  • Compliance: In some cases, identifying the reCaptcha version can help you ensure compliance with regulations and standards.

What are the differences between reCaptcha V3 and V2?

Before we proceed, it’s essential to understand the key differences between reCaptcha V3 and V2. Here’s a brief overview:

Feature reCaptcha V2 reCaptcha V3
User Interaction Requires user interaction (e.g., ticking a checkbox) No user interaction required (invisible reCaptcha)
Score-based system No score-based system Uses a score-based system (0.1 – 1.0) to determine user legitimacy
Integration Can be integrated using Google’s reCaptcha library

Step-by-Step Guide to Determining reCaptcha Version

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get down to business! Here’s a step-by-step guide to determining whether a website is using reCaptcha V3 or V2:

Step 1: Inspect the Website’s Source Code

The first step is to inspect the website’s source code. You can do this by right-clicking on the website and selecting “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” (the exact terminology may vary depending on your browser). This will open the developer console.

        // Press F12 or right-click and select "Inspect" to open the developer console

Step 2: Search for reCaptcha Scripts

In the developer console, switch to the “Elements” tab and press Ctrl + F (or Cmd + F on a Mac) to open the search bar. Type “recaptcha” in the search bar and press Enter. This will highlight any reCaptcha-related scripts on the webpage.

        // Search for reCaptcha scripts in the Elements tab
        // Type "recaptcha" in the search bar and press Enter

Step 3: Identify the reCaptcha Version

Once you’ve found the reCaptcha script, inspect the script tag. Look for the following patterns to determine the reCaptcha version:

  • reCaptcha V2: The script tag will likely contain the following pattern: src="">

  • reCaptcha V3: The script tag will likely contain the following pattern: src=""> or src="">

        // Inspect the script tag for reCaptcha version patterns
        // reCaptcha V2: src=""
        // reCaptcha V3: src=""

Step 4: Verify the reCaptcha Version (Optional)

If you’re still unsure about the reCaptcha version, you can try verifying it using the following methods:

  1. Check the website’s HTML structure: reCaptcha V3 often uses an invisible iframe, whereas reCaptcha V2 uses a visible checkbox.

  2. Use the browser’s network requests: In the developer console, switch to the “Network” tab and reload the webpage. Look for reCaptcha-related requests. reCaptcha V3 often sends requests to, whereas reCaptcha V2 sends requests to

        // Verify reCaptcha version using HTML structure and network requests
        // reCaptcha V3: invisible iframe and requests to
        // reCaptcha V2: visible checkbox and requests to


Determining whether a website is using reCaptcha V3 or V2 is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to identify the reCaptcha version with ease. Remember to inspect the website’s source code, search for reCaptcha scripts, identify the version based on script patterns, and verify the version using optional methods.

With this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the world of reCaptcha and make informed decisions about security, scraping, and compliance. Happy detecting!

Additional Tips and Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about reCaptcha and its various versions, here are some additional resources:

We hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Determine if reCaptcha V3 or V2 is used in any website” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know the secret to identifying the reCaptcha version on a website? Look no further!

What’s the easiest way to determine if a website is using reCaptcha V3 or V2?

Check the website’s HTML source code! Look for the reCaptcha script tag and examine the URL. If it contains “v3” or “recaptcha/enterprise.js”, it’s likely reCaptcha V3. If it says “v2” or “recaptcha/api.js”, it’s probably reCaptcha V2.

Can I use the browser’s developer tools to identify the reCaptcha version?

Yes, you can! Open the browser’s developer tools, go to the Network tab, and reload the page. Look for requests to the reCaptcha API. If you see “v3” or “recaptcha/enterprise.js” in the request URL, it’s reCaptcha V3. If you see “v2” or “recaptcha/api.js”, it’s reCaptcha V2.

Are there any visual differences between reCaptcha V3 and V2 that I can spot?

Yes, reCaptcha V3 is usually invisible, meaning it doesn’t display a checkbox or challenge. It works in the background to verify the user. reCaptcha V2, on the other hand, displays a checkbox or a challenge that requires user interaction. So, if you don’t see a checkbox or challenge, it might be reCaptcha V3!

Can I use online tools to detect the reCaptcha version on a website?

Yes, there are online tools and browser extensions available that can help you detect the reCaptcha version on a website. These tools analyze the website’s HTML source code and provide information about the reCaptcha version used.

Why does it matter which reCaptcha version a website uses?

Knowing the reCaptcha version can be important for developers, security researchers, and even marketers. It can help you understand how a website is securing its forms and protecting against bots and spam. Plus, it can give you an idea of the website’s security posture and whether they’re using the latest security measures.

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