Unlock the Power of Remote Variables in Your Local Bash Script via SSH
Image by Courtnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Remote Variables in Your Local Bash Script via SSH

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Are you tired of hardcoding values in your bash scripts? Do you wish you could dynamically retrieve data from a remote server and use it in your local script? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to use remote variables in your local bash script via SSH. Get ready to take your scripting skills to the next level!

Why Use Remote Variables?

There are many reasons why you might want to use remote variables in your local bash script:

  • Dynamic data retrieval**: Instead of hardcoding values, you can dynamically retrieve data from a remote server, making your script more flexible and adaptable.
  • Centralized configuration**: You can store configuration values on a remote server, making it easy to update and manage them in a single location.
  • Improved security**: By storing sensitive data on a remote server, you can reduce the risk of exposing it in your local script.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites met:

  • SSH access**: You need to have SSH access to the remote server where you want to retrieve the variables.
  • Bash installed**: You need to have Bash installed on your local machine.
  • Remote server setup**: You need to have a remote server set up with the variables you want to retrieve.

Step 1: Set Up Your Remote Server

Let’s assume you have a remote server with an IP address of ``. On this server, you have a file called `variables.sh` containing the following variables:


MY_VARIABLE="Hello, World!"

Make sure the `variables.sh` file is executable by running the command `chmod +x variables.sh` on the remote server.

Step 2: Create a Local Bash Script

Create a new file called `local_script.sh` on your local machine with the following contents:


# Define the remote server IP address and SSH username

# Define the command to retrieve the remote variables
COMMAND="ssh ${SSH_USERNAME}@${REMOTE_SERVER} 'bash -l -c \"source variables.sh; echo MY_VARIABLE=\${MY_VARIABLE}; echo ANOTHER_VARIABLE=\${ANOTHER_VARIABLE}\"'"

# Retrieve the remote variables and store them in an array

# Print the retrieved variables

Make sure to replace `your_username` with your actual SSH username.

How it Works

Let’s break down the script:

  1. Define the remote server IP address and SSH username**: We define the IP address and SSH username of the remote server.
  2. Define the command to retrieve the remote variables**: We define a command that uses SSH to connect to the remote server, source the `variables.sh` file, and echo the values of `MY_VARIABLE` and `ANOTHER_VARIABLE`.
  3. Retrieve the remote variables and store them in an array**: We use the `eval` command to execute the SSH command and store the output in an array called `VARIABLES`.
  4. Print the retrieved variables**: We print the values of `MY_VARIABLE` and `ANOTHER_VARIABLE` using the `echo` command.

Step 3: Run the Local Script

Run the `local_script.sh` file using the command `bash local_script.sh`. You should see the following output:

MY_VARIABLE: Hello, World!

Congratulations! You’ve successfully retrieved remote variables in your local bash script via SSH.

Tips and Variations

Here are some tips and variations to take your script to the next level:

  • Use SSH keys**: Instead of using a password, consider using SSH keys for secure authentication.
  • Use a more secure method to store variables**: Instead of storing variables in a plain text file, consider using a more secure method, such as storing them in an encrypted file or a database.
  • Handle errors and exceptions**: Make sure to handle errors and exceptions in your script, such as connection errors or invalid variable values.
  • Use a more advanced scripting language**: Consider using a more advanced scripting language, such as Python or Ruby, to simplify the process of retrieving remote variables.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to use remote variables in your local bash script via SSH. With this powerful technique, you can dynamically retrieve data from a remote server and use it in your local script. Remember to follow best practices for security and error handling to ensure your script is robust and reliable.

Keyword Description
Use remote variables in local bash script via SSH Retrieving remote variables in a local bash script using SSH
Dynamic data retrieval Retrieving data from a remote server in real-time
Centralized configuration Storing configuration values in a single location
Improved security Reducing the risk of exposing sensitive data

We hope this article has been informative and helpful. Happy scripting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about using remote variables in local bash scripts via SSH!

How do I access remote variables in my local bash script using SSH?

You can use SSH commands to execute a command on the remote server and store the output in a local variable. For example, `remote_var=$(ssh user@remote_server “echo \$VARIABLE_NAME”)` will store the value of `$VARIABLE_NAME` from the remote server in the local variable `$remote_var`. Make sure to escape the dollar sign with a backslash (`\$`) to prevent the local shell from interpreting it.

Can I use environment variables set on the remote server in my local bash script?

Yes, you can use environment variables set on the remote server in your local bash script. One way to do this is by using SSH with the `-T` option, which allocates a pseudo-TTY. This allows you to run commands on the remote server and inherit its environment variables. For example, `ssh -T user@remote_server “bash -l”` will give you an interactive shell on the remote server, and you can then access the remote environment variables in your local script.

How do I handle errors when accessing remote variables in my local bash script?

It’s essential to handle errors when accessing remote variables in your local bash script. You can use SSH’s `-o` option to specify a timeout, and then check the exit status of the SSH command to see if it was successful. For example, `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 user@remote_server “echo \$VARIABLE_NAME”` will timeout if the connection takes longer than 10 seconds, and you can then check the exit status with `$?`. Additionally, you can use try-catch blocks to handle any errors that might occur during the execution of your script.

Can I use remote variables in a loop or conditional statements in my local bash script?

Yes, you can use remote variables in a loop or conditional statements in your local bash script. However, be aware that each SSH command execution can be slow and may impact the performance of your script. To avoid this, consider storing the remote variables in local variables before using them in a loop or conditional statement. For example, `remote_var=$(ssh user@remote_server “echo \$VARIABLE_NAME”)` and then `for i in $remote_var; do … done`. This way, you only need to execute the SSH command once and can reuse the stored value in your loop or conditional statement.

Are there any security concerns when using remote variables in my local bash script?

Yes, there are security concerns when using remote variables in your local bash script. By using SSH to access remote variables, you are executing commands on the remote server, which can be a security risk if not properly validated. Make sure to use secure SSH connections, validate the remote server’s identity, and limit the commands that can be executed on the remote server. Additionally, be aware of any sensitive data that may be exposed through the remote variables, and ensure that your script handles errors and exceptions properly.

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