Unleashing the Power of zsh: Assigning Multiline JSON Strings with Substituted Values to Variables
Image by Courtnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of zsh: Assigning Multiline JSON Strings with Substituted Values to Variables

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Welcome, fellow zsh enthusiasts! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of assigning multiline JSON strings with substituted values to variables in zsh. Yes, you read that right – we’re going to tackle the often-daunting task of working with JSON strings in zsh, and emerge victorious with our variables neatly assigned and ready for action.

What’s the Big Deal about JSON Strings?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) strings have become the de facto standard for data exchange and storage in modern computing. They’re lightweight, easy to read, and versatile enough to handle complex data structures. However, working with JSON strings in zsh can be a bit tricky, especially when it comes to assigning them to variables.

The Problem: Assigning Multiline JSON Strings

Imagine you have a JSON string that spans multiple lines, and you want to assign it to a variable in zsh. Sounds simple, right? Well, it’s not as straightforward as you might think. Try running the following command in your terminal:

MY_VAR="{ \"name\": \"John\", \"age\": 30, \" occupation\": \"Developer\" }

You’ll notice that the command prompt will complain about the newline character, and you’ll end up with a syntax error. This is because zsh doesn’t allow multiline strings by default. But fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution that’ll make your JSON strings dance with joy!

Solution 1: Using Here Documents

One way to assign a multiline JSON string to a variable in zsh is by using here documents. Here documents are a special type of redirection in zsh that allow you to specify a delimiter, followed by the contents of the document, and finally, the delimiter again to mark the end of the document.

MY_VAR=$(cat << EOF
  "name": "John",
  "age": 30,
  "occupation": "Developer"

In this example, we use the `cat` command to concatenate the contents of the here document, which starts with the delimiter `EOF`, followed by the multiline JSON string, and finally, the delimiter again to mark the end of the document. The resulting string is then assigned to the `MY_VAR` variable.

Solution 2: Using ANSI-C Quoting

Another way to assign a multiline JSON string to a variable in zsh is by using ANSI-C quoting. ANSI-C quoting is a technique that allows you to embed newline characters within a string by using the `$'...'` syntax.

  "name": "John",
  "age": 30,
  "occupation": "Developer"

In this example, we use the `$'...'` syntax to enclose the multiline JSON string. The `$'` indicates the start of the ANSI-C quoted string, and the `...'` marks the end of the string. This allows us to embed newline characters within the string, making it possible to assign the multiline JSON string to the `MY_VAR` variable.

Substituting Values in JSON Strings

Now that we've learned how to assign multiline JSON strings to variables in zsh, let's take it to the next level by substituting values in those strings. Imagine you have a JSON string with placeholders for values, and you want to substitute those values dynamically.

  "name": "__NAME__",
  "age": __AGE__,
  "occupation": "__OCCUPATION__"

We can use parameter expansion in zsh to substitute the values dynamically. For example:



echo $MY_VAR

This will output the following JSON string:

  "name": "John",
  "age": 30,
  "occupation": "Developer"

Using zsh Parameter Expansion

zsh provides a powerful parameter expansion feature that allows us to perform string manipulation and substitution. We can use the `${parameter//pattern/replacement}` syntax to substitute values in our JSON string.


In this example, we use the `${parameter//pattern/replacement}` syntax to substitute the `__NAME__`, `__AGE__`, and `__OCCUPATION__` placeholders with the actual values stored in the `NAME`, `AGE`, and `OCCUPATION` variables, respectively.

Real-World Scenarios: Using JSON Strings in zsh Scripts

Now that we've learned how to assign multiline JSON strings with substituted values to variables in zsh, let's explore some real-world scenarios where this knowledge comes in handy.

Scenario 1: Generating JSON Config Files

Imagine you're writing a zsh script that generates JSON config files for a web application. You can use the techniques we've learned to create a JSON string with substituted values and write it to a file.



  "app_name": "'${APP_NAME}'",
  "app_version": "'${APP_VERSION}'",
  "database": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "username": "myuser",
    "password": "mypassword"

echo "$JSON_CONFIG" > config.json

This script generates a JSON config file with substituted values for the `APP_NAME` and `APP_VERSION` variables.

Scenario 2: Sending JSON Data to a Web API

Imagine you're writing a zsh script that sends JSON data to a web API using `curl`. You can use the techniques we've learned to create a JSON string with substituted values and send it as part of the HTTP request.


USER_NAME="John Doe"

  "user": {
    "name": "'${USER_NAME}'",
    "email": "'${USER_EMAIL}'"

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$JSON_DATA" https://api.example.com/users

This script sends a JSON POST request to the web API with substituted values for the `USER_NAME` and `USER_EMAIL` variables.


In this article, we've explored the world of assigning multiline JSON strings with substituted values to variables in zsh. We've learned how to use here documents and ANSI-C quoting to assign multiline JSON strings to variables, and how to use zsh parameter expansion to substitute values in those strings. We've also seen how these techniques can be applied to real-world scenarios, such as generating JSON config files and sending JSON data to web APIs.

With these skills in your toolkit, you'll be able to tackle even the most complex JSON string assignments in zsh with confidence. So go ahead, unleash your zsh skills, and start working with JSON strings like a pro!

Technique Description Example
Here Documents Using here documents to assign a multiline JSON string to a variable. MY_VAR=$(cat << EOF ... EOF)
ANSI-C Quoting Using ANSI-C quoting to assign a multiline JSON string to a variable. MY_VAR=$'...'
zsh Parameter Expansion Using zsh parameter expansion to substitute values in a JSON string. MY_VAR=${MY_JSON_STRING//__NAME__/$NAME}
  • Assigning multiline JSON strings to variables in zsh using here documents and ANSI-C quoting.
  • Substituting values in JSON strings using zsh parameter expansion.
  • Applying these techniques to real-world scenarios, such as generating JSON config files and sending JSON data to web APIs.
  1. Use here documents or ANSI-C quoting to assign a multiline JSON string to a variable in zsh.
  2. Use zsh parameter expansion to substitute values in the JSON string.
  3. Frequently Asked Question

    Get ready to master the art of assigning multiline JSON strings with substituted values to a variable in zsh!

    How can I assign a multiline JSON string to a variable in zsh?

    You can use the `$'` notation to assign a multiline JSON string to a variable in zsh. For example: `json_string=$'{"key": "value",\n"foo": "bar"}'`. This will preserve the newline characters and assign the entire string to the variable.

    What if I want to substitute values in my JSON string?

    You can use parameter expansion to substitute values in your JSON string. For example: `json_string=$'{"key": "'${value}'",\n"foo": "'${foo}'"}'`. This will substitute the values of the `value` and `foo` variables into the JSON string.

    How do I ensure that my JSON string is properly formatted?

    You can use a tool like `jq` to ensure that your JSON string is properly formatted. For example: `json_string=$(jq -n --argjson data "{\"key\": \"$value\", \"foo\": \"$foo\"}" '.data')`. This will validate the JSON string and ensure it's properly formatted.

    Can I use heredoc to assign a multiline JSON string to a variable?

    Yes, you can use heredoc to assign a multiline JSON string to a variable. For example: `json_string=$(cat <

    What are some best practices for working with JSON strings in zsh?

    Some best practices for working with JSON strings in zsh include using parameter expansion for substitution, validating your JSON strings with tools like `jq`, and using heredoc or `$'` notation to preserve newline characters. Additionally, consider using a JSON-aware shell like `zsh` to simplify working with JSON data.